Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Get ur freak on.

The Folsom Street Fair was this past Sunday in San Francisco. For those unfamiliar, the Folsom Street Fair is a sex positive celebration of EVERYTHING kinky, with a particular focus on bondage and leather. Oh yeah, and there is lots and lots of nudity. If there was ever a place to show off your new cock ring or ball-torture device, this is most definitely it. Thankfully for all those with exposed genitalia, the sun was out in full force for an unprecedented 90 degree beautiful San Francisco day. Not so much fun, I'm guessing, for those wearing latex bodysuits. And while there was little shade to be found, there was plenty of beer.

I of course was taking as many pictures as I could. With each beer, I got a little bolder with my lens. Tranny cover band "Pepperspray" proved to be an interesting subject as they butchered, err... cranked out inspired takes on classic tunes. It was kind of amazing to see thousands of people so completely unashamed of just how freaky they could be. Pretty much if you can imagine it, there is someone out there who is into it. OK, you've been warned. Pictures are below.

1 comment:

  1. they must have thought that this would be a cool place to "hang out!"
